Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to put a configurable menu in magento backend?

I used up almost two weeks just to get this to work... :(
This Menu can be configured to be displayed in a specific user... (so it means you can see this module in the permission->role resources
  • First is create a Basic Magento Module (recommended to put it in app/code/local)
NOTE: this is just a blog for me to remember or review my achievements so please search the Internet for terminologies or actions that you don't understand.

  • Then in your module's etc/config.xml put this code
<helloworld_options translate="label" module="helloworld">
<title>PRESTOTYPE MENU</title>



<helloworld_options translate="label" module="helloworld">
<title>PRESTOTYPE MENU</title>

  • Then in your module's etc/system.xml put this code
<hellotest translate="label" module="helloworld">
<label>Hello Testing</label>

<hellotest translate="label" module="helloworld">
  • Then in your module's etc/adminhtml.xml put this code
<helloworld_options translate="title" module="helloworld">
<title>Prestotype Inventory</title>
That's IT! BUT what if I want to put an action to the menu like it will open up a new page with the url that I specified? You can put javascript to open a new window.. Here's how

  • In your module's controllers/IndexController.php put this code
public function relationAction() {
echo "<script>window.open ('http://www.yahoo.com','mywindow')</script>";
echo "<script>window.location = ''</script>";}

public function machineAction() {
echo "<script>window.open ('http://www.stitambayan.com','mywindow')</script>";
echo "<script>window.location = ''</script>";}

public function invoiceAction() {
echo "<script>window.open ('http://www.yahoo.com','mywindow')</script>";
echo "<script>window.location = ''</script>";}

public function goodbyeAction() {
echo "<script>window.open ('http://www.javascript-coder.com','mywindow')</script>";}
I just downloaded a sample module and tweaked it... from this url

1 comment:

  1. Great post. helped to get more about magento. Read about magento customization : http://www.premium-joomlathemes.com/5-essential-things-to-concentrate-on-magento-customization.html
